Funcionalidad #5059
Actualizado por Oscar Abad hace alrededor de 1 año
# API Personal Token authentication system
# API Basic Endpoints
## get '/me' => "credentials#me"
## get '/my_office' => "credentials#my_office"
## get '/my_agents' => "credentials#my_agents"
## get '/agents' => "agents#index"
## get '/agents/:agent_id' => "agents#show"
# Interface with user personal access token regeneration
# Add RSwagger tests and documentation
## Spec of ApiReports::V1::AgentsController
## Spec of ApiReports::V1::CredentialsController
## Check Swagger api docs web
# API PowerBI Endpoints
## Endpoint about general list of info data about 'Acuerdo'
## Endpoint about agent list of info data about 'Acuerdo'
# Filter data depending on user permissions
# API Agreements Endpoints
## get '/agents/:agent_id/agreements' => "agents#agreements"
## get '/agreements' => "agreements#index"
# RSpec tests and swagger documentation
## get '/agents/:agent_id/agreements' => "agents#agreements"
## get '/agreements' => "agreements#index"
# Add button to copy personal access token from endpoint web /datos_personales